Why our Teas?

Packed with 800mg of Vitamin C in each drink

0 carbs 
0 sugars
0 calories

Nutrition Facts

What can you add to our teas for even more added benefits?

Energizer/Caffeine and/or Fat Burner

What's in SalTea Energizer/Caffeine?

Our Energizer/Caffeine contains:

TAURINE - a conditional amino acid necessary for increasing muscular endurance while boosting muscle repair and growth. By enhancing your muscle growth and recovery, taurine works to keep your body in an anabolic state which means your muscles are growing and your fat is burning. Taurine is also known for its antioxidant properties and ability to promote cellular health and energy including muscle contraction. This is especially good for cardiovascular health.

CAFFEINE – our Caffeine is highly popular for a reason, the benefits are experienced everyday all around the world.

Some benefits are:

  • Boosts your energy
  • Improves Mental Awareness
  • Shortens Reaction Time
  • Elevates your mood
  • Enhances your Physical Performance

Also, did you know caffeine promotes fat loss? Caffeine stimulates a series of related events that eventually breaks the bonds of fatty acid molecules allowing them to be used up by the body during physical activity. Caffeine also inhibits an enzyme that limits the amount of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) produced by the body. Cyclic AMP starts as a string of biochemical reactions that ultimately lead to an increased metabolic rate, enhanced thermogenesis, and a better utilization of stored fat. By inhibiting the action of this specific enzyme, caffeine enables the body’s cAMP levels to flourish.

YERBA MATE – Yerba Mate is a member of the holly family that grows in the South American wild. Containing a high amount antioxidant while being rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. This is the reason why Yerba has been traditionally used as full body tonic. Yerba Mate benefits include:

  • Energize the Body
  • Rejuvenate Health
  • Increase Endurance
  • Elevates Mood
  • Intensifies Focus
  • Induces the Breakdown of Fat known as Lipolysis

For reasons easily seen, Yerba Mate is a perfect ingredient to help energize your life and attain the results you desire.

GUARANA – Guarana is derived from seeds and is known for its high caffeine content – one of the highest concentrations of caffeine found in any plant. It has the same benefits as caffeine, though some research suggests that it lasts longer but isn’t as intense.

GREEN COFFEE – Green Coffee comes from green coffee beans that have not been roasted. The roasting of coffee beans reduces the amount of chlorogenic acid which is the main chemical responsible for the benefits of Green Coffee. This acid has been shown to reduce carbohydrate absorption which leads to stabilizing blood sugar and reducing insulin spikes. Human studies have also shown a significant reduction in body fat storage and is a good source of antioxidants and caffeine.

SYNEPHRINE – Synephrine is commonly known as “pseudo-ephedrine” as it performs in the same way that ephedrine does though with less potency. Thus, it is known to increase the metabolism, help you burn fat, increase energy levels, and suppress the appetite. Synephrine has also been shown to have benefits for digestion in helping alleviate constipation, diarrhea, gas, and much more.

NIACIN – Niacin, another name for vitamin B3, helps promote the proper functioning of the digestive system, nerves, and skin, while also helping the body convert food to energy. It can cause some flushing of the skin even at small doses

What is in our Saltea Fat Burner?


Fat burner delivers a full dose of stimulant free and all-natural Chromium Picolinate and

Pyruvate – the same active ingredients that have been used in the top selling Fat Burner Boost for the past decade – and now includes an additional natural weight loss blend of L- Carnitine, Tyrosine, and Taurine in a single serving scoop. Fat Burner helps to convert carbs into energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, increase muscular endurance, utilize fat as an energy source, and improve your overall body composition. This superstar combination of natural ingredients can help you achieve and maintain the results you desire without the worry of negative side effects.

What is in Fat Buner?

CALCIUM PYRUVATE – Pyruvate is produced naturally when the body breaks down glucose. When supplementing with pyruvate, it actually utilizes fat for energy while you are resting as well as exercising. This spares blood sugar while helping you rid yourself of that ugly fat even while you sleep.

Besides the excellent fat loss effect, Pyruvate has also been shown to increase exercise performance. By amplifying the flow of glucose and protein into muscle cells, available ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels are increased thereby improving workout performance while preventing fat storage.

At the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Ronald T. Stanko, MD researched the effects of pyruvate in several studies. A recent study conducted on obese women showed they lost an amazing 37% more weight and 48% more fat after ingesting 30 grams of pyruvate per day for three weeks. These women and a control group were on a 1,000-calorie diet and consumed an equal amount of carbohydrates. In separate clinical studies, subjects taking pyruvate gained back 55% less weight after resuming a normal diet than those that did not take pyruvate!

CHROMIUM PICOLINATE – Chromium is a trace mineral essential to the body’s production of insulin. Thus, chromium helps maintain stable blood sugar levels while fueling muscle growth, preventing sugar from being stored as fat, and increasing overall energy. It becomes necessary to supplement with chromium as levels decline with age and many foods just don’t deliver the amounts they should.

TAURINE – Taurine is a conditional amino acid necessary for increasing muscular endurance while boosting muscle repair and growth. By enhancing your muscle growth and recovery, taurine works to keep your body in an anabolic state which means your muscles are growing and your fat is burning. Taurine is also known for its antioxidant properties and ability to promote cellular energy including muscle contraction. This is especially good for cardiovascular health.

ACETYL L-CARNITINE – Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is an amino acid known for brain support and improving body functions at a cellular level while inducing fat burning by stimulating your metabolism and even boosting natural testosterone levels. ALCAR transfers and utilizes long chain fatty acids as energy while sparing your muscle. It’s easy to see why this works so well in conjunction with the other ingredients.

TYROSINE – Tyrosine is an amino acid utilized by the thyroid to make Thyroxin, a hormone essential to growth, metabolism, skin health, and mental stability. It is also mainly responsible for producing neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine which work as messengers between the brain, nerves, and cells. Everyday stress can cause a loss in neurotransmitters thus leading to physical and mental fatigue, burnout, and even depression. Tyrosine can reverse these problems helping you feel better and enhance your performance.


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